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Harshad Mehta: The Rise and Fall of the “Big Bull”

A prominent figure in one of India’s worst financial scandals, Harshad Mehta was a stockbroker who saw rapid success before a precipitous decline. His path serves as a sobering lesson in ambition, deceit, and the fallout from careless financial decisions. Let’s examine the background of Harshad Mehta’s wealth, including his ascent, the scandalous scheme, and its fallout.

From Simple Beginnings to Expertise in the Stock Market

Initially, Harshad Mehta worked as a part-time stockbroker. But he soon made a name for himself by using aggressive strategies and producing large profits. He gained a lot of followers because of his colorful and charismatic demeanor, which helped him become a stock market expert.

The Ready-Forward Plan: A Deceptive Network

Harshad Mehta engineered a big financial swindle during the height of his career. He obtained billions of rupees in illicit cash by taking advantage of flaws in the financial system. He then used the money to manipulate stock prices, creating the illusion of a thriving market.

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A Wealth Based Upon Deceit

During this time, Harshad Mehta’s wealth increased dramatically. At the height of the scandal, estimates place it at an astounding ₹3,542 crores, or almost $475 million. Trickery and cunning led to the accumulation of this wealth.

The House of Cards has collapsed.

In 1992, the complex plan came to light, revealing an enormous financial scam. Following his detention, Harshad Mehta was accused of many financial offenses.  The incident caused losses of billions of rupees and sent shockwaves across the Indian financial sector, weakening investor trust.

The Afterglow of a Spotted Star

The tale of Harshad Mehta serves as a sobering reminder of the perils of unbridled ambition and the significance of moral behavior in the financial industry. Even though he may have had a huge net worth, it was ultimately the result of falsehoods that brought him to ruin.


The story of Harshad Mehta, who went from being a small-time broker to a multimillionaire and back again, serves as a reminder of the constant need for financial transparency and control. His experience should serve as a warning to financial institutions and investors alike about the disastrous results of unbridled greed and deception.


1. What was the impact of the Harshad Mehta scam on the Indian economy?

The scam led to a significant loss of investor confidence and a sharp decline in the stock market. It also exposed loopholes in the banking system and led to stricter regulations.

2. What was Harshad Mehta’s punishment?

Harshad Mehta was sentenced to several years in prison for financial crimes. He died in 2001 while still appealing his conviction.

3. How did Harshad Mehta manipulate the stock market?

He used a fraudulent scheme involving ready-forward contracts and borrowed funds from banks to artificially inflate stock prices.

4. Is the Indian stock market more regulated now?

Yes, the Harshad Mehta scam led to stricter regulations and reforms in the Indian financial system to prevent similar scams from happening again.

5. Are there any movies or documentaries about Harshad Mehta?

Yes, there have been several movies and documentaries made about the Harshad Mehta scam and his life.

Read more about:  soportguru

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